A related parameter can be given in the main program, and then call the subprogram like a fixed cycle to finish the trapezoid thread's machining program. 这样就可以像固定循环一样,在主程序中给定相应的参数,然后调用子程序,就可完成相应的梯形螺纹加工程序的编写。
The lower-level software is developed by 8098 assemble language and composed of six modules of a main program, a sending and interrupting service program, a receiving and interrupting service program, ascertaining a sampling cycle, connecting data and pretreating data. 下级机软件用8098单片机汇编语言开发,主要由主程序模块、发送中断服务程序模块,接收中断服务程序模块、采样周期确定模块、数据采集程序模块、数据处理程序模块等6大模块组成。
This paper emphatically introduces that the data type, main feature, program logic cycle, specific functions of RPG ⅱ language and specifications, indicators and operation codes which are used in programming. 本文着重介绍了RPGⅡ语言所用的数据类型、主要特点、逻辑流程、特殊功能和编制RPGⅡ程序所采用的各种类型说明表、计算指令操作码和指示符等。
Build the main program which is able to respond 4 different timer cycle interrupts under the DSP integrated development-CCS ( Code Composer Studio) and realizes the straight line interpolation and circular interpolation. 在DSP集成开发环境CCS(Codecomposerstudio)下,建立了能够响应4个不同定时器周期中断的主程序框架,并在此基础上实现了两轴联动直线插补、圆弧插补的程序实现。
The main contents are as follows: 1. This paper studies how to well-develop a monitoring program, select appropriate monitoring equipment and monitoring methodology, select reasonable monitoring sites and monitoring cycle, to meet the contents and requirements for the pit deformation monitoring. 2. 主要的研究内容如下:1.针对基坑变形监测的监测内容和要求,对如何制定完善的监测方案,选取合理的监测仪器和监测方法,合理选取监测点位及监测周期进行了研究。